My Story

Hey Everyone! My name is Cassidy, and I have poured my heart into OakWood, I don’t think of it as a business, I think of it as a tool to help women. A movement. 
I have struggled with my health for about three years, many emotions and side effects come along with that, and it changes you. It all started with me trying a claw clip to maybe help with hair loss, I didn’t have high hopes but they absolutely BLEW ME AWAY. So I wore them and my hair started to heal. I wanted to make them look differently so I started experimenting with different things, I made some I liked and wore them myself! Then some people expressed they wanted to buy them, so I made some and I guess I never stopped! 
My passion is to help women, no matter what situation they’re in. 
OakWood supports everyone! Long hair, thick hair, thin hair, curly hair, straight hair. Let’s get back to healthy hair! Here you’ll find the perfect unique gifts, and accessories! 

<You are loved> -Cassidy:) 

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